Industrial Design on Java International Patent
General Provisions of Industrial Design
Industrial Design shall mean a creation on the shape, configuration, or the composition of lines or colours, or lines and colours, or the combination thereof in a three or two dimensional form which gives aesthetic impression and can be realized in a three or two dimensional pattern and used to produce a product, goods or an industrial commodity and a handy craft
Designer(s) shall mean a person or several persons who produce an industrial design.
Application shall mean the application for registration of industrial design that is filed at the Directorate General.
Right to Industrial Design shall mean an exclusive right granted by the State of the Republic of Indonesia to a designer for his creation for a given period to exploit his creation by himself or to give permission to another party to do so.
Priority Right shall mean the right of an applicant to file an Application deriving from a member country of the Paris Convention in order to get recognition that the Filing Date he is filing at a designated country, which is also a member of the Paris Convention or the World Trade Organization, has the same date as the Filing Date he gets in the country of origin, within the period of time as prescribed in the Paris Convention.
Industrial Designs that are not Protected
The Right to Industrial Design shall not be granted if an Industrial Design is contrary to the prevailing laws and regulation, public order, religion, or morality
Period of Protection of Industrial Designs
The protection of the Right to Industrial Design shall be granted for 10 (ten) years commencing from the Filing Date
a. A simply signed Power of Attorney (POA)
b. Assignment of Right from the designer(s) to the applicant(s), if the applicant is not the designer.
c. A simply signed Declaration (DEC)
d. Priority Document (on claiming priority)
e. Physical specimen, drawing, photo and the description/explanation of the design